
Bad Vampires by Karl Larew
Bad Vampires by Karl Larew

In any case, Good Vampires are the winners, Bad Vampires are the losers. Further, the New York Association of Good Vampires has rules regarding the infliction of mortal wounds by other means (pistols seem to be the most popular).

Bad Vampires by Karl Larew

Good Vampires, however, take care not to let this happen. Among Bad Vampires, the process can still end in, well, the end for the blood donor. The 19th-century vampire's vicious bite and suck method has evolved into a variety of means for the nourishment of vampires. Rather than a single locale in Transylvania, the vampires in this tale travel from New York to our nation's capital and its Virginia suburbs, then Hollywood, and on to Hong Kong, and back and forth, in multiple trips, logging who knows how many thousands of miles.

Bad Vampires by Karl Larew

It is a hilarious and refreshingly fun read! This is a modern fictional account, and one designed to make you chortle instead of scream. Rather, this versatile author has chosen to entertain us by delving into the practices of the netherworld of 19th-century vampirism, BUT, as it exists in the modern world-the difference being that, today, there are both Bad Vampires and Good Vampires. Well, as you might imagine, "Bad Vampires" has nothing to do with world politics and war, or even reality on the home front. Karl Larew is well known for the depth and breadth of his knowledge in the field of military history, both in academic works and in historical fiction.

Bad Vampires by Karl Larew