Lavishly illustrated and thrillingly told, here is a book to be treasured forever. And these legendary lovers have inspired forty lush luminous paintings by award-winning artist Kinuko Craft.

Marie Crafts lively, suspenseful retelling of this classic Greek myth will appeal to young and old alike.

Perhaps the greatest love story of all, Cupid and Psyche is unsurpassed in its richness and drama. To win back his love, Psyche must show that she is as brave as she is beautiful by performing three impossible tasks. Soon she falls in love with this man she has never seen, but in a moment of doubt she betrays his trust. Magically, Psyche finds herself in a magnificent castle fitted with sweet music, attentive servants, and a charming but invisible host. I definitely recommend to anyone as a must. Not only is this book exquisite in its illustrations, it also gives a child a very comprehensive understanding of the mythological tale of Cupid and Psyche. Book Synopsis Psyche is the most beautiful woman in the world, yet the oracle at Delphi foresees she will fall in love with a creature feared even by the gods themselves. Cupid and Psyche Reviewed in Canada on OctoI am an artist and collector of beautifully illustrated books.

In a moment of doubt, Psyche betrays his trust and to win back his love, Psyche must perform three impossible tasks. Magically, Psyche finds herself in a castle with a charming but invisible host whom she falls in love with. About the Book Psyche is the most beautiful woman in the world, yet the oracle at Delphi foresees she will fall in love with a creature feared by the gods themselves.