It has been adapted to various media including a pantomime by James Robinson Planché, a ballet, and a Disney animated movie. It was revised, and published in Paris in 1697 by Claude Barbin in Histoires ou contes du temps passé (English: Stories or Tales of Past Times), a collection of eight fairy tales by Perrault.

It was next published in the newspaper Mercure galant in 1696. Perrault's version first appeared in 1695 in a hand-written and illustrated manuscript called Tales of Mother Goose ( French: Contes de ma mère l'oye) along with " Little Red Riding Hood", " Bluebeard", " Puss in Boots", and " Diamonds and Toads". The story is about a princess who falls into a deep sleep for one hundred years, and is awoken by a heroic prince. There are several versions of it, including " The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood" by Charles Perrault and " Briar Rose" or " Little Briar Rose" ( German: Dornröschen) by the Brothers Grimm. 1915." Sleeping Beauty" ( French: La Belle au bois dormant) is a fairy tale.

Quiller-Couch Dulac, (ill.) New York: Hodder and Stoughton.

" The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood" Charles Welsh, D.Ford (ill.) Lang (ed.), The Blue Fairy Book.